Text: Parlemens de l'ame a Dieu (aka Soliloques aka Seul parler de St. Augustin)

Prayers of the Soul to God (aka Soliloquies aka Lone Speech of St. Augustine)


Found in:

Created in 1398?


Author: Pseudo-Augustine

Translator: Anonymous


  • Devotional
  • Prose
  • Religious
  • Translation

Ownership Details

BnF fr. 1801 owned by Anne of France, duchess of Bourbon (March 1484-1522). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

BnF fr. 1801 owned by Charlotte of Savoy, queen of France (post-1441-December 1483). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

BnF fr. 445 owned by Abbess of the Dominican Convent at Saint-Laurent de Bourges (c. 1460-1470). Ownership Confirmed with Other as evidence.

BnF fr. 445 owned by Anne of France, duchess of Bourbon (March 1484-1522). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

BnF fr. 445 owned by Charlotte of Savoy, queen of France (c. 1460?-December 1483). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

Chantilly MS 127 owned by Catherine of Coëtivy, lady of Magné (post-1485-1529). Ownership Confirmed with Coat of Arms as evidence.

Chantilly MS 127 owned by Jean Blosset (14??-14??). Ownership Confirmed with Inscription as evidence.

BnF fr. 990 owned by John II of Bourbon (1456?-1488?). Ownership Possible with Inscription as evidence.

BnF fr. 990 owned by Marie of Berry, duchess of Bourbon (c. 1427?-1434?). Ownership Possible with Patron as evidence.

BnF fr. 434 owned by Marie of Albret, countess of Nevers and Rethel (post-11 June 1456-1486?). Ownership Possible with Inscription as evidence.

KBR MS IV 111 owned by Margaret of Brittany, duchess of Brittany (post-1460-1469). Ownership Confirmed with Other as evidence.

KBR MS 10180-93 owned by Jeanne Crassin (post-1465-?). Ownership Confirmed with Inscription as evidence.

KBR MS 10180-93 owned by Jerome Dentier (post-1465-?). Ownership Confirmed with Inscription as evidence.

